How to write evergreen seo content for your blog in 2022?

We are not running websites like Facebook, Amazon, and YouTube. Most of us are working on websites that are new, and if old, they are not popular globally. There are over a billion websites on the internet.

And when there are websites already on the internet that perform well, too, it’s not easy to make a successful website. You can’t create a website, upload content, and then sit back to think you’d receive traffic, and your website will become famous. It would not be. You need to put effort into making your website rank.

Evolution in seo

In 2022, you can’t only rely on the old seo methods. We don’t say they don’t work anymore and have become obsolete, but we need to consider much more in the market now. However, in the past, website ranking was not so difficult. People could also use black hat techniques like keyword stuffing to rank their web pages. But now, search engines have become smart enough to detect these methods and penalize a website that does it. Now, if you want to rank your website, you have to go beyond keywords usage. One additional way we have now is writing pillar posts. This blog post will tell you about Pillar Post Writing. We will discuss what pillar posts are and how to write them.

Let’s first discuss why and how Google’s algorithm works.

Google algorithms

Why does the Google algorithm change itself constantly? The answer is simple: There are many websites on the internet, and not all of them are great. Google algorithms work to ensure only good websites rank high. It has set several factors of the website included in its operations. We don’t officially know how many algorithms Google search engines have and how they work. Experts have studied and brought to us their research that helps us understand search engine optimization.

What makes search engines change their algorithms?

The way people search changes over time. There was only a typing queries method to get results in the early days. However, now, we have new and unique ways. The most popular among them right now is voice search methods. Guess how people search for voice assistants? Well, they do it as they talk. Leave voice search. Recall how you do your regular Google searches. If you want to learn to make cold coffee, you’d probably type in the search engine ‘How to make cold coffee’ instead of searching only for the term cold coffee. Did you notice the search intent difference? In the first example, the user searches as if he’s asking Google to teach him to make cold coffee. He typed ‘How to….’ It shows that users don’t want newspaper-type articles or want to read a book to learn about a cold coffee recipe.

Similarly, when people do voice searches, they talk to Google, Siri, or whatever they use for voice search. The advent of new technologies is one reason that requires the update of search engine algorithms.

Now, let’s learn what pillar posts are.

Pillar Posts Definition

Difference between Pillar Content and Cluster Content

Pillar posts are the fathers of cluster posts. Now, this is enough to make you confused. Don’t worry. We’ll explain what we meant by it. Firstly, blogging is not a one-way road. It’s not very simple. It’s not only about writing web articles daily, using keywords. Blogging is more than that. To build a successful blog, you need to learn in-depth about blogging. Secondly, pillar posts are the blog posts that are the main topics. They cover a broad topic. Pillar content is very long. The pillar blogs people write usually consist of 10,000 words. They are the parent content. After that, cluster content comes. In simple language, cluster posts are the sub-posts of the pillar content. They discuss the specific topics that we talk about in our pillar content.

What you are reading right now is also cluster content. We are specifically teaching you about pillar content. Wonder what could be its pillar content? Most probably, it could be search engine optimization.

However, you have to be careful when deciding on a topic for pillar content. According to experts, you don’t want to select a topic you can’t cover in a post. We can make further cluster content. For example, we can write another blog post, ’10 Steps to Write a Perfect Pillar Post.’

Writing Pillar Blog Posts

You don’t think only about keywords when writing a pillar post. When you have a website, surely it’s a niche website. You talk about a specific niche, probably. Think about what people want to read in your niche. We said you don’t need to think in terms of keyword research. However, you have to do keyword research to know what people search. Not thinking about keyword research means not having your primary focus on short-tail keywords. However, phrases are also called keywords- long-tail keywords. Therefore, first, you search for market requirements and develop a pillar content idea.

Come up with a title. After that, you have to write a pretty lengthy blog post that covers that topic completely.

However, you have to leave space for the cluster content topics. It can be very frustrating since you have to write long blog posts and cluster topics related to the pillar post. We recommend hiring an expert at this point in the beginning. He’ll guide exactly how to do the process.

What makes Pillar Blog posts Evergreen Seo content?

To understand this topic, you need to know about the site structure thing and seo. As we said earlier, pillar content is the main blog post. We write under it so many blog posts that we call cluster content. We write them on specific keywords for what we want them to rank. Then we hyperlink the cluster blog posts in our pillar posts where we want readers to visit a particular page to get more specific details about a topic. And we also include the hyperlink of our pillar posts in our cluster content. So, it becomes a two-way road. Moreover, we also connect our cluster posts by hyperlinking where required. All of these forms a proper site structure, and that’s good for seo.

Also Read: E-commerce SEO: Getting Organic Traffic to Online Stores

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